Own Grants
ANR JCJC: "Concentration, Vertical Relations, Innovation" (Grant agreement ID: ANR-22-CE26-0012-01, Volume 200k)
Marie-Curie Fellowship 2016-2019: Toulouse School of Economics, TSE (Grant agreement ID: 609398, Volume 150k)
ANR CARNOT 2020 N°200000815: "Rising Concentration and Retail Buyer Power" (40k)
ANR CARNOT 2019 N°1900720: "The Effectiveness of Environmental Public Policies in Multi-Level Food Supply Chains " (40k)
ANR CARNOT 2018 N°1801001: "Retailing and Green Innovation in the Food Supply Chain" (40k)
Co-author and Member of DFG-ANR programs
Co-author of ANR-DFG project Producer And Retailer Markets Organization (PARETO)}, PI: C. Chambolle , J. Stiebale, B. Yontcheva
Co-author of the DFG project Competition and Vertical Relationships in Food Markets
Co-author of the SFF project "One-Stop-Shopping and Product Variety"
Member of ANR-DFG project “Competition and Bargaining in Vertical Chains"